Sunday.. :)

It started right, and I am wishing it'll end right..
so, it is Sunday today, and tomorrow is Monday.. We have a short quiz 'daw' sa I.T.113 tomorrow, and I haven't study a bit.. haha! It was because of this Internet. :) And holy cow, the short quiz coverage was i think 20 pages of short bondpaper? hahaha! Maybe I can study the first two chapters but the later part? Maybe a big NO NO!
And this farmville thing at facebook, it made me addict addict again.. haha!
:) And our group on Entrep 102 class, we have something to do this afternoon, so this means, I have no more time left to study much on IT.. so, all I have to do now is, PLAY! ahaha! After this, is the time to study. :)

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