Rebecca Black continues to talk about Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez

Rebecca Black keeps getting unwarranted news coverage and continues to talk about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez as if people actually cared about what she has to say about them. 

Talking with E! News Rebecca Black had this to say about being compared to Justin Bieber:

"I love Justin Bieber so it is like the biggest compliment I've ever gotten I think, so, it's so cool"

Black should never be compared to Justin Bieber. The only thing they have in common is that they both know how to upload a video to YouTube. Bieber was discovered because he is talented. People were made aware of Black because she is not talented and sang one of the worst songs ever written.

This is what Black has to say about Selena Gomez and being compared to her:

"I love Selena Gomez," she says. "She's been in the industry since she was so young, and she hasn't gotten caught up in all of the rehab or drugs or whatever."

She also went on to say that she has received death threats via Twitter just like Gomez has. 

The difference between Black's threats and Gomez's is that Gomez gets them because she is with Justin Bieber and his fans are crazy. Why Black gets them is anyone's guess. She isn't famous enough to even warrant that kind of attention. 

There is no comparing Black with Bieber or Gomez. They are on two completely different planets. 

The sad thing is, Black actually got a record deal and is putting out another song. The entire world has gone completely insane. Hopefully when this song is proven to be just as bad or worse than "Friday" she will finally disappears from the spotlight.


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